Thursday, November 7, 2013

Baby Zackrison!

We are expecting a baby!! We still can't believe it, but we are both beyond excited!

I am about 14 weeks along and am due May 6th.

I have been sooooooooooooooooo sick. And I hate it. But the sickness is starting to go away.. Thankfully.

Romney has been such a patient and amazing husband. He gets me whatever I need.

Still doesn't seem real.

Sick of people asking dumb and personal questions.

When people ask what we're hoping for.. We are hoping for a baby, okay?!

My boss thought Mormons couldn't use birth control.. Super funny.

All of my close friends thought I was lying to them when I told them.

No I will not be posting pictures of my growing belly.

Excited that my sister-in-law and I are due so close together!  (5 weeks)

Not looking forward to maternity clothes.

And that's that! Pretty exciting!

And no I'm not lying... This is for real.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Its pretty safe to say that everyone loves Fall. Definitely my favorite time of year. And definitely my Dad's favorite time of year. He is pretty jealous we are living in North Carolina during this season. I wish he could come out and visit and how beautiful its going to be! Most of the leaves out here are still green! Its so weird. I guess cause its so much warmer in the South that the leaves change later in the year. I am trying to be patient! I have started wearing boots and long sleeve shirts but some days its still too hot to wear it. I am ready for cooler weather! Hopefully now that its November it will finally feel more like fall.

All Summer Romney and I were preparing for him to deploy this fall. He was an alternate and its pretty much unheard for an alternate not to deploy. We did have a couple scares. He text me one day while I was babysitting and said "lets go out to dinner tonight" (This was a Wednesday and we usually only go out on the weekends) So I was like okay, where? And he wanted to dress up and go somewhere nice. So basically Olive Garden was our only option. (We get fancy in Goldsboro!) I thought (knew) he was up to something... When I got home I asked him if he was getting deployed and if thats the reason he wanted to be "fancy" but lately Romney ALWAYS wants to dress up and go somewhere nice. (But since we are limited on nice restaurants he is basically over dressed all the time. Better to be overdressed than under dressed, right?) He is quite into fashion lately. (I love it!) He seriously cracks me up with it. (If he could wear a suit or a shirt and tie everyday, he would) Anyway, we go to dinner (at Olive Garden) and he is just being extra lovey dovey that night and I seriously asked him like 8 times if he was getting deployed and he just kept saying no. The next day he comes home from work and said "I took you to dinner last night because I thought I was getting deployed... but I'm not!" I knew it! I knew he was up to no good. He wasn't 100% sure that he was leaving so he didn't say anything until the next day. Rude, I know. But I'm pretty sure he thought he was leaving like 3 times and didn't say anything to me. So long story short.. he is not deployed! We are both pretty happy about it. But I did want to get some "deployment" pictures done just in case he did deploy. My friend Jessica did them and she did an amazing job! Here are some of them:

It was kinda rainy that day (hence the Umbrella and my non-straight hair) But I thought the pictures turned out really good! I love all the green out here. They will be fun to have! (Thanks Jess!)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Callings, callings, callings.

So Romney and I must be pretty good at whatever we get thrown at us because within the last 6 months.. between both of us we have had 6 different callings. Our latest callings are:

Ashly: Miamaid Advisor
Romney: 2nd counselor in the Bishopric

Hopefully these ones will stick. So basically we've aced: Scouts, primary, Young Women's Presidency and Young Men's Advisor. Apparently we did what we needed to do and moved on! Just kidding (not about all the callings but about acing them) We both absolutely love the callings that we are serving in now and feel INCREDIBLY blessed. I don't like the  fact that I have to sit by myself in Sacrament meeting now but I am so proud of him! So far I think he has done a great job (Its been a week and a half ha) but I know he will continue to do a good job. He is really excited to be serving in such a great ward. We really are so lucky. But he is the guy that asks you to speak on Sundays so basically he is the guy to avoid. He told me to have a backup talk ready in case he needs me. (Yeah right) We had to keep his calling a secret for 2 weeks. Hardest secret to keep ever. (Especially sorry to Elisa and Bridgette! Ha!)

Romney's parents got to come out the weekend that he was set apart as the Second Counselor. It was so much fun having them come out and stay with us for a few days. (We LOVE visitors... so come out here people) It was really special because Romney's dad got to Ordain him a High Priest. That was really neat. That Sunday was a very spiritual day. I'm glad some of his family was here to share it with us. (Thanks Paul and Becky for EVERYTHING! They really are the best in-laws ever!)

Other than that nothing really has been going on out here in Goldsboro.

I had to do my first "Military goodbye" a few weeks ago. It was my friend Anna... her husband is retiring. Her and I are so much alike its crazy! We met in the daycare of the base gym. Neither of us have kids and after babysitting those kids in there for a couple hours a week neither of us wanted to have kids. But now she is pregnant!

Lately I have been listening to the other waitresses at Ruby Tuesday "greet" their tables. Most of them say "Hi, welcome to Ruby Tuesday my name is ________ and I will be taking great care of you today." I don't make that promise. I'm smarter than that. Sometimes I can fulfill that promise. Other times I can't. I feel like that would come back to bite me in the butt if I said that to a table.

I have eaten chocolate chip cookies for breakfast the past 2 days. (Thanks Jessica! They are freaking delicious) But I haven't had a Monster in 3! Impressive. I know.

I'm newly obsessed with Grey's Anatomy.

On that note.. I think I will go eat a chocolate chip cookie and watch some more Grey's.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Blackburns come to visit!

So as some of you may know, my 2 awesome parents came to visit Romney and I. They drove my car all the way from Utah! I know how long of a drive that is! It is FAR! But they were lucky... They stopped in Nauvoo, Nashville, Ashville and lots more places and saw some really cool things... and almost got hit by a Tornado in Oklahoma (One hit down 4 miles from them when they were at Wal-Mart, so everyone in Wal-Mart had to go to the corner and crouch down together for safety. Can you imagine doing that with the people that go to Wal-Mart?? Gross! I'd probably chance the Tornado)  I am super jealous... of the site seeing part. Not Wal-Mart part. (just to be clear) They even got to see my cousin on her mission (is that even allowed?!)

When my parents were in Tennessee I warned them about the drivers in North Carolina and to be careful. I really don't think they took me seriously when I said that. It was no more than an hour that they had been in North Carolina when my mom text me and asked "Dad wants to know if it's against the law to signal in North Carolina?" I replied "Yep!" She then asked "Is it opposite here? The slow drivers drive in the left lane." I told her "I'm telling ya, North Carolina has the worst drivers EVER!" Let me vent... just for a minute... I can probably count the number of blinkers I've seen on 2 hands since we moved here... 7 months ago. No one EVER uses their blinker. EVER! It is by far one of the most frustrating things ever. I have never been more terrified driving anywhere in my life than to Raleigh. They freaking change lanes every 8 seconds and cut off people left and right.. the weird thing is they NEVER honk! WTFreak! Why would you not honk at someone who just cut you off and ran you off the road?!? (I'm not lying! Romney and I witnessed that. No horns were involved.) And when somebody wants to take an exit they are always in the left lane and have to cross 3 lanes to get off on their exit. Every. Single. Time. I lived in New York for crying out loud! I felt a million times safer driving there, than I ever have out here. Except for this one time. I'll tell you the story: So my parents came out here and we explored North Carolina. Beautiful State! We love it out here. After a few days out here, Romney, I and my parents flew up to New York for a long weekend. We got a cab from the airport to Manhattan. I literally thought the driver was falling asleep on our way there only to discover that he might be having mini heart attacks. I was ready to slap him at any moment.. just to make sure he was alive. He kept going the wrong way and we got lost like 4 times. (super annoying) My Dad looked back at me like Ashly this is your fault and we are all going to die. (I made him take that cab too! ha oops) I couldn't even laugh I was so terrified. (I can laugh now, because we all made it there safely) My Dad said he didn't stop praying the entire time. Somehow we made it to our hotel alive. (Somehow) And we got honked at.... I don't even know how many times. It felt good to be in New York city with all the hustle and bustle and all the angry New Yorkers honk at each other. They know how to use those horns! Romney and I miss the city. Goldsboro just doesn't quite cut it. Anyway to my point... North Carolina has the worst drivers ever.

EVER. Hopefully Romney and I make it out of here alive.

You guys should have seen my dad when he was out here. He took pictures of EVERYTHING! He was in heaven. It was so funny. My mom and I kept laughing at him. I bet he had somewhere around 5,000 pictures on his camera. I sure wish I had some of those to post.. cause I took like 12 pictures. And I figured out how to finally upload them!! (HUGE shout out to one of my best friends Nicole Norman for helping me with my blog today for like an hour. She's the BEST!!!)

Here are a couple from Myrtle Beach.

My Dad and I said we can respect Duke now after going and visiting their campus. Neither of us were fans before.. but its actually a really neat school. 

We went to a little town called New Bern. Its where Nicholas Sparks lives and where they filmed some of the Notebook. I wish I lived there.It's also where Pepsi started? Was invented? Anyway I made them take this cute picture.

New York City! My Dad shopping on Canal Street. He was loving it!! (But not as much as shopping on 5th Ave--see pictures at bottom) He did not purchase that hat.

I got to see my favorite family from New York! They are all so big! Love those Capio's! 

We got to go see Newsies on Broadway. My parents were a couple rows behind us.
We ran into the Boardman's at church. We were hoping we would see them there. Not knowing Blake and Allyse moved. And we really did! It was perfect! It was so great to see them!

 I mean... we had to.

Soooo my Dad and Romney got matching suits. We were shopping on 5th avenue and you would think it would be me and my mom buying stuff.. but NO it was the boys. They were in HEAVEN my mom and I could not stop laughing at them! It was so funny! Romney is beyond obsessed with this suit. But he looks prettttttty dang good in it if I do say so myself! My Dad looks pretty dapper himself! 

The window display was my Dad's favorite part. (He probably took a picture of it) I think that is the suit they bought too.

Aren't my parents just the cutest?! We seriously had a blast with my parents! Hopefully they will come out and see us again. I know for sure they will go to New York again! Maybe in the Fall?? Mom? Dad? Romney?

Finally you can look at my blog without wanting to rip your eyes out because it was so ugly. I'll have to make it look better when I have more time! But unfortunately I have to be a slave at Ruby Tuesday. Dude.. the life of a waitress is depressing. I feel bad for them! (Myself included)



Friday, May 10, 2013

I got a job? What?


I can't believe the last time I blogged was January. Probably because I didn't have a job and had nothing to blog about, except my weekly trip to Wal-Mart. For those few months my life was pretty boring. It went from super boring to crazy busy. Which I like. In a nutshell I was called into Primary as a teacher for the 8-year olds and they were ALL boys. Then they added onto my calling as a Scout leader for the 9-year olds. (Not exactly sure what they were thinking there. I'm most positive that I was the worst Scout leader.. Ever. Imagine a 25-year old girl that barely knows how to tie a double knot as your Scout leader. Yeah.. wasn't really a good fit.) But as most of you know I complained about it and somehow got released! (Thank the Heavens) and now I am the 1st Counselor in the Young Women's Presidency!! I am beyond excited about this new calling. Scouts was great.. but working with the Young Women seems to fit me just a bit better. We have a TON of young women in our ward so its going to keep me busy but I can't wait! Romney is in Young Men's so we get to go to mutual together! How great is that?! Ha.

I got a job! Its called complaining because that is pretty much what I do with it. Poor Romney has listened to me complain about working at Ruby Tuesday for the past month. (I'm a waitress; not to mention FIRST time waitress) Working there has for sure been one of the worst experiences of my life. Yet, I've made it a whole month. I do like that fact that I am constantly moving and staying busy but I desperately hate the fact that I work every single weekend. I have met some verrrry interesting people. But I better not share any stories until I am not an employee there anymore. (Hopefully my boss doesn't read this.)

Yesterday I went to the gym and it was just me and a 61-year old lady. I caught her taking a picture of herself so for some reason she felt the need to come explain to me why she was taking a picture. Her friends were down in Myrtle Beach and she had to prove to them she was still working out while they were at the beach and golfing all week. (In case you were wondering.) She was hilarious. Then she asks me to take a picture of her on the elliptical with one of the gym employees. So she hands me her iPhone and explains to me how to take a picture... I mean, I know I just had a birthday but I still think I look young enough to know how to work an iPhone. Especially when my personal iPhone was sitting right next to me. So her and this other woman both climb on the elliptical (in my mind I am praying she doesn't fall off trying to climb up there and balance while I quickly snap a "gym pic". She didn't fall and the picture turned out surprisingly great. I know if I was in Myrtle Beach and I got that picture I would be jealous of her working out. I so wish I sent the picture to my phone just to prove to you how funny this lady was. Totally made my day.

A couple things I have learned while working at Ruby Tuesday are:

1. People in the South seriously love their Sweet Tea.
2. They love their Ribs and bacon wrapped shrimp.
3. They also love their church and invite me to come with them. (I've been invited to 3 different religions in the past week. No joke!)
 **Secret: I've never had anything on the Ruby Tuesday menu except the salad bar. So if you ask me for my opinion on what I like best or what I recommend... just know that its probably a lie.

Can someone please tell me how to put pictures up on my blog?! I'm too lazy to figure it out myself. Thanks.

Come visit me at Ruby Tuesday and leave me a good tip! Ha. Jk... but really.

I'm off to wait on people!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Who wants to know a secret?!?! I know I do...

Well... we're PREGNANT!

Ha! Gotcha... we're really not. One of my best friends left on her mission about a month ago. (Jenna Hyer for those of you that know her and for those of you that don't). She is the friend that you could text and say how much you hate being fat and she would empathize with you. She would empathize with you about anything, she is seriously such a great friend. (she has other great qualities too) Anyway, like 2 days before she left she told me that she didn't want to eat sweets her entire mission. (We've done bets like these in the past) I told her I needed to stop eating candy. (like that is ever going to happen) So we started a bet. To go her entire mission without eating sweets and I would write her and tell her how its going. So we're starting the bet on the Wednesday that she left. Preeeeeetty sure I lost that bet before she even got to the MTC that Wednesday afternoon. I wrote her a letter today and told her how great I am doing with our bet, and the sugar is basically out of my system, and that I have even lost a few pounds because of it. Am I the worst friend or what?! I think I'm a pretty great friend. I mean I am helping her out.. she thinks we're in this together. And we are. (half way) And that is all she needs to know, and that is my secret. So don't go writing her a letter and blabbing about it alright? Alright. I feel better now that you all know that.

Want to know something funny? Embarrassing but funny? But its not about me. Its about Romney. One day we were riding in the car and one of those catchy pop songs comes on the radio. As we are pulling up to apartment he said "You know what song I kinda like?" And I was like what? He said "That Call me Maybe song" I just busted up laughing!! I couldn't believe he would freely admit that to me. I didn't even ask! (Hellllllo...Don't ask, don't tell). Sometimes he'll be on the computer and will play that song and just listen to it like a little girl. I still love him though.

I made Banana bread last night and I can't stop eating it.

I think I broke my vacuum today.

I should be working out right now but instead as soon as I'm done with this I'll probably go eat some more banana bread and start season 2 of Army Wives. (I'm so thankful that's not how the Air Force is. I'm pretty sure its not how the Army is either, but its entertaining.)

I need to get a job. But I don't want to work in the morning, afternoons, or evening. Or nights. Shoot.

I'm sorry I don't post pictures. I don't know how. I do send quite a few snap chats though. Those are some cute pictures.

I'm out.
Until next time when I have the will to turn off Netflix.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Road Trip across the Country!

We made it!

All the way to B.F.E. in Goldsboro, North Carolina. And man that is one FAR drive. We left on Friday and got here on Monday. We literally drove all day. From about 08:30 to 22:00 (For all you civilians out there that is 8:30am to 10:00pm. If you're not part of the military you are a civilian. Don't worry.. I'm a civilian too)

Due to big tires, Romney and I had to drive separately. I was kind of happy about that because that meant I got a CD player. Poor Romney only had the radio in a noisy Uhaul. But that also meant I had nobody to talk to (which was crappy) Thanks to Snapchat and Heytell, I was able to stay in touch with the outside world. I was really looking forward to driving with Romney. We do have 4 months to catch up on! And besides he enjoys my stories. But instead I jammed out to old CD's and listened to a lot of Christmas music and Christian music and some country music. In December that's about all they play from West Virginia. Literally.

We stayed the night in Nebraska, Missouri and West Virgina. My favorite stop was in Santa Claus, Indiana. And then somewhere else in Missouri that had Panera.

Driving on I-80 all the way to St. Louis from Salt Lake, I counted 354,651 Diesels.

I'm addicted to Energy Drinks now. About half of our stops for food was at Subway.

The first thing we did when we got to NC was hug each other and then ate lunch at Bojangles. (Romney has some friends that are from NC and they said we HAD to eat there. Ummm... it's fast food. I'm going to tell them the first thing that they need to do when they go to Utah is eat at Wendy's). Idiots.

Our apartment is so awesome. It's at least 2 and a half times bigger than our last apartment. And our Kitchen is at least 3 times the size of our last kitchen's apartment. I love cooking now.

We have the most awesome ward. Ever.

We have our own washer and dryer. Kristen knows how that feels!

We are only 10 hours away from NY! (I have a hard time typing NC instead of NY)

Best of all.. I have my husband back!

Farewell from North Carolina!!