Thursday, August 15, 2013

Callings, callings, callings.

So Romney and I must be pretty good at whatever we get thrown at us because within the last 6 months.. between both of us we have had 6 different callings. Our latest callings are:

Ashly: Miamaid Advisor
Romney: 2nd counselor in the Bishopric

Hopefully these ones will stick. So basically we've aced: Scouts, primary, Young Women's Presidency and Young Men's Advisor. Apparently we did what we needed to do and moved on! Just kidding (not about all the callings but about acing them) We both absolutely love the callings that we are serving in now and feel INCREDIBLY blessed. I don't like the  fact that I have to sit by myself in Sacrament meeting now but I am so proud of him! So far I think he has done a great job (Its been a week and a half ha) but I know he will continue to do a good job. He is really excited to be serving in such a great ward. We really are so lucky. But he is the guy that asks you to speak on Sundays so basically he is the guy to avoid. He told me to have a backup talk ready in case he needs me. (Yeah right) We had to keep his calling a secret for 2 weeks. Hardest secret to keep ever. (Especially sorry to Elisa and Bridgette! Ha!)

Romney's parents got to come out the weekend that he was set apart as the Second Counselor. It was so much fun having them come out and stay with us for a few days. (We LOVE visitors... so come out here people) It was really special because Romney's dad got to Ordain him a High Priest. That was really neat. That Sunday was a very spiritual day. I'm glad some of his family was here to share it with us. (Thanks Paul and Becky for EVERYTHING! They really are the best in-laws ever!)

Other than that nothing really has been going on out here in Goldsboro.

I had to do my first "Military goodbye" a few weeks ago. It was my friend Anna... her husband is retiring. Her and I are so much alike its crazy! We met in the daycare of the base gym. Neither of us have kids and after babysitting those kids in there for a couple hours a week neither of us wanted to have kids. But now she is pregnant!

Lately I have been listening to the other waitresses at Ruby Tuesday "greet" their tables. Most of them say "Hi, welcome to Ruby Tuesday my name is ________ and I will be taking great care of you today." I don't make that promise. I'm smarter than that. Sometimes I can fulfill that promise. Other times I can't. I feel like that would come back to bite me in the butt if I said that to a table.

I have eaten chocolate chip cookies for breakfast the past 2 days. (Thanks Jessica! They are freaking delicious) But I haven't had a Monster in 3! Impressive. I know.

I'm newly obsessed with Grey's Anatomy.

On that note.. I think I will go eat a chocolate chip cookie and watch some more Grey's.
