Sunday, January 26, 2014

Christmas Vacation!

Romney and I got to go back to Utah for Christmas. That was the first time that we had been home in a year! (Exactly a year! Uncanny!) We had such a fun time in Utah! We got to be there together for 2 weeks (and I got an extra 3 weeks!) and spend time with both of our families. It was seriously so much fun. Romney didn't want to go back to North Carolina.. I didn't blame him. We were having way too much fun here with all our cute nieces and nephews and lots and lots of yummy food. (We are over Goldsboro restaurants.. terrible choices out there) I think we went to Cafe Rio the most. Its just fast and easy. And it didn't hurt to have some delicious home cooked meals. (Those are the best) We got to stay and the Zackrison home and the Blackburn home. So much fun! We have definitely missed both families.

We have both seen our parents throughout the year but we hadn't seen our siblings in the past year, so seeing all of them was super fun. Cole and Jana Lyn (my sister and brother-in-law) finally made the trek out there from Denver after we had been there about a week. Romney had been SOOOOOOO excited to see one of their daughters Scarlett! (She is 2 years old) When we first saw them of course the girls were a little hesitant to see us. (Well they gave me a hug just fine, but were a little nervous around Romney) Scarlett did give Romney a high-five. Everybody went into the kitchen and it was just me, Romney and Scarlett in the living room. She finally just ran up to Romney and gave him the biggest hug out of nowhere! IT WAS SO CUTE! Romney said "Hurry, take a picture!" He was so excited she finally came around and hugged him. He had been waiting a whole year for that!

Romney and I have been married for 2 years now!! I honestly cannot believe how quickly these past 2 years have gone by! And how easy its been. Everybody always says the first two years are the hardest.. well ours have basically been a cake walk so I can't imagine how these next few years will be. I am the luckiest girl in the world. My husband is seriously THE BEST!! I definitely lucked out with that one! We got to go stay in Park City and celebrate. It was so much fun! We love going and staying up there. For sure one of our favorite places and we have missed it a lot in the past year! (And of course we didn't take any pictures)

The first week in Utah we stayed at the Zackrison's house. Even though it isn't my home or my parents house, I definitely felt at home. We got spoiled and got to hang out with all the Zackrison boys and do what they do best... watch sports and play computer games. The girls didn't really play computer games but we did get to go get our nails done and shop a little bit. I love my sister-in-laws! They are the best, and we all get along so great!

That Sunday we went to both my parents ward and Romney's parent's ward. Of course Romney and my Dad wore their New York suits.. and of course I took a picture. I mean.. they just look so good in those suits! It was fun to go to Romney's old ward and meet a lot of the people that he grew up with.

That week we spent the week at my parents house. We got to spend Christmas morning with them and 2 of my sisters and their cute families. I have been waiting for Christmas FOREVER it seemed like! I got Romney a Playstation 4 and that seriously has been one of the hardest secrets to keep! I could not wait for him to open that thing. He really had no idea I had bought him one. We kept joking about getting him a PS4 and little did he know that I had one for him! I cried when he opened it (I'm pregnant alright?!) But seriously... I was soooo excited to give it to him! We both got spoiled on Christmas morning, but it was so fun to be able to share it with family!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What is baby Z?!

As most of you probably know, we are having a baby girl. So thrilled about it! It will be way fun to have a little girl to dress up. I am already struggling not to buy her things. But there is just too many cute clothes out there! While I was in Utah, we had a couple showers. Huge thanks to my friend Sharlene and my sister-in-law Sharli for throwing me one! And a huge thanks to my mom and sisters and sister-in-law Chelsey for throwing me one and to to EVERYONE that came and supported us. We got lots of great stuff.. I am way anxious for this little girl to get here. But we still don't have everything ready, so good thing we still have a few months. 

Here are a few pictures from my showers. So much fun!! 

A HUGE THANKS again to everyone! I have the best family and friends anyone could ask for! Baby  Z and I are so so so so excited for everything! (Oh and Romney too!)

Snow in North Carolina!

So it snowed today in North Carolina and the snow stuck to the ground past noon. This NEVER happens. Both school and the base were on a 2-hour delay because of the snow. Look at all this snow:

Okay so there was a little bit more... but it melted. But good thing the whole state was delayed 2 hours. But I'm not complaining... just laughing. 

So now I think I'll stay under my blanket and try to catch up on some Netflix and blogging!