Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Goldsboro Baby Shower!

Okay seriously, baby Z and I got soooo spoiled at her shower we had a couple weeks ago! We had so much fun! The shower was decorated so cute and we had such yummy food and so many fun people come! It really was a blast. Here are a few pictures:

Thank you so much to everyone who came! We appreciate it so much! Its so good to know that even being far away from home we have so much love and support in our lives and in our adventure out here in North Carolina. We really are so lucky! And a special thank you to everyone who helped... especially the Daughtry girls!! You are the best!

As you can see... I have quite the baby bump. Which is bigger now (hard to imagine, but it is bigger, but then again I am 9 months pregnant) The 2 comments that I had JUST TODAY were: 

1. From an employee at Sam's club: "You're not going to have that baby in here, are ya?" Ummm sir... I sure hope not. 

2. From a little girl that my friend was babysitting who came to Sam's Club with us: "Can you still walk?" This was after we all walked into the store together and were just about done shopping, while I was pushing my own cart. I just replied to her "Nope" and then she was really confused. 

Other comments that I have gotten:

  • "That baby looks like its going to punch its way out!"
  • "Are you even going to make it to your due date?"
  • "Is she having twins?"
  • "Its cute.. it looks like you have a basketball under there"
Being 9 months pregnant is so awesome. 

As much as I complain, I am SO GRATEFUL that I am 9 months pregnant. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Last month of pregnancy and Retiree!

I seriously cannot believe I am in my last month of pregnancy. And boy am I a sensitive one! I don't know why women are so touchy and I really wish there was something we could do to help the touchiness/grouchiness situation, especially while we are pregnant. But for me.. there isn't much you can do. And honestly I haven't been to grumpy that much during my pregnancy its only been the last few weeks. I am just getting fatter and grouchier and more uncomfortable by the day. Romney knows if I am grouchy to just let me be grouchy and I'll eventually get over it. I always try to apologize for being grouchy because I usually don't have anything to be grouchy over. I am just grouchy! Super annoying. And it doesn't help when strangers look at you and say "Wow, you look like you are ready to pop!" Umm... that doesn't make me feel any better, that just makes me think, that you think, I look huge and yes I am 8 months pregnant and yes I am huge, but please, please, please, don't point it out. Its already as obvious as it can be.

Speaking of strangers, and speaking of being pregnant, I feel like people are judging/assuming/stereotyping a situation that isn't necessarily true. (Which I do all the time.. but I don't tell the person what I am thinking!) For example: On our way home from D.C. we had to stop and get gas. We had plenty of treats in the car including my pretzels and my now and laters which of late, I cannot live without. So when I was looking around for a snack I didn't really see anything I wanted. Romney spotted a treat for himself and we were both extremely surprised I didn't want anything (That NEVER happens, not rarely.. NEVER!) So we go up to pay for the candy and the cashier comments "I bet I know who's idea this was!" And looks at me and smiles. I politely told him it wasn't my idea and that the candy was for my husband. (I don't think he believed me) Then the next week Romney and I went out to dinner at a little burger joint here in town and yes we have been in there a lot lately but NOT because I am "craving" it.. Romney suggests it a lot more than I do. And our waitress comes up to our table and asked if "Andy's (the name of the restaraunt) was my favorite place since being pregnant." I was like "It's not my favorite, but we certainly like it!" (mind you, we had just discovered it when I was like 6 months pregnant) People just think that since I am pregnant that whatever I am eating I must be craving and that we can all just blame it on the pregnant girl. False. Not the case. We are just hungry, alright? Same story goes with grocery shopping. I feel like if I get the slightest thing that is unhealthy people are assuming that since I am pregnant I just eat whatever the heck I want.. Which sometimes I do.

Now that I only have a month left, I am officially "retired"! And hopefully I stay retired for a long, long time. I think it will be weird not having a job and not feeling guilty about it.  But it will be so fun to be a stay at home mom and I am SOOOO THANKFUL that I get to be a stay at home mom. It was nice to know that, that is what Romney and I both expected when we had kids. I told him I would work if needs be, but luckily I don't have to. Such a blessing! It will be weird to be home all day with MY kids and not someone else's children. Especially since I have been babysitting for the last 10+ years and being a nanny. It will definitely be different, but I anticipate it will be fun, even with working nights and weekends. Although.. I do hope I get to babysit my nieces and nephews every once in a while. They are all just the cutest!

Here is a couple pictures from my "nanny-ing days" boy do I miss them! Those days were seriously the best. I recommend everyone move to NY and become a nanny. I worked for the best family ever and still miss them all the time! I can't believe how big the kids are now! Love them so much.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring has sprung!

I say spring has sprung because it was 86 degrees here today. Jealous?

Isn't spring just the greatest?! Especially this year... And its only just begun! A couple weeks ago Romney and I got the chance to go up to Washington D.C. and visit my best friend April. We always have so much fun when we go up there. This time we got to go on a tour of the Pentagon! That was way neat. April's friend works there a few times a week and has access to it, so he was kind enough to take us on a tour early Saturday morning.  I don't think I ever realized how big the pentagon is. And I have never felt like I was 8 months pregnant more than I did that day. (pretty sure I waddled like it too) I was feeling pretty good, but once I started to go down hill... I went down hill fast! And then we still had a half mile to the car, they don't just let ya conveniently park right up front. I literally, barely made it to the car. Longest walk of my whole entire life.  Still it was pretty dang cool to go in the Pentagon and suffer and see what it looks like. (Unfortunately you can't take any pictures) It would be a lot more exciting on a weekday when there are lots of people there and lots of the military personnel dressed up in their uniforms.

We went to Cafe Rio just about everyday. Rio is just always a winner and Romney and I both wanted it... Everyday. But especially me.. and look at this.. they don't charge you for enchilada style on their burritos out here AND they have military Mondays (half off your meal!) Freaking awesome.

We also did what we do best up there and went shopping. April loves to shop just like us.. so we went to a huge mall and had a blast. Surely spent more money than we had planned, but we found some sweet deals and April had cards and coupons to makes those deals even sweeter. It was awesome! Romney got a killer deal on a suit. At first we couldn't find one he liked so we were sad, but then we found one... and he was super happy! (P.S. how cute is he holding Eve's hand? He's going to be the cutest dad ever!) <3.

Romney even taught me and Eve how to play chess. It took me a while to catch on, and I don't think Eve ever did catch on... But it actually isn't as hard as I thought it would be. Surprisingly it can be a pretty fun game! (I just told Romney about how I kinda liked it and then he started to brag about how he won a chess competition.. in like 3rd grade) Clearly, he's proud.

I am so terrible at taking pictures when we go and do fun stuff.. but here are some random pictures that I do have: 

Candace gives the BEST massages. We found Goldsboro street, more like accidentally drove on it. (our town is called Goldsboro) We went to D.C. cupcakes. Delish! So much fun! We will for sure have to go back in the summer... if we get invited. (hint, hint April) Twice a year just isn't enough.